
Check Prerequisites

Before installing, ensure that you have the following:

  • Google account

  • JAVA Development Kit (JDK)
    • Supported Versions
      Vendor Version
      OpenJDK 8
      Oracle JDK 8
  • Web Application Container
    Web Container Version
    Apache Tomcat 8.5
  • User Store
    • Supported User Stores
      Vendor Version
      Microsoft Active Directory 2012, 2016
      Wren:DS server 3.0
      OpenLDAP server 2.4
      389 Directory server 1.4
      MySQL Database server 5.7
      MariaDB Database server 10.3, 10.4

    This guide assumes basic knowledge of tomcat and the databases used.

Register recaptcha key

  1. Go to google’s recaptcha creation page

  2. Fill in the form
    Field Value Meaning
    Label CIAM the name for you to identify the site by
    ReCAPTCHA type Invisible reCAPTCHA Badge what kind of challenge users will receive when using your site
    Domains e.g. localhost, the domain name of the site that will be protected (including subdomains)
    Owners leave blank people who will have access to these settings
  3. Click save


Keep this window open, you will need the sitekey soon

Deploy the WAR file to Tomcat

Deploy the provided WAR file to the installed Tomcat. Make sure the web application is exploded into Tomcat’s webapp folder.

Enter site-key into the actual html file for forgot password


There are plans to simplify the recaptcha set up process.

You can follow the the latest progress here

  1. Open the file at <tomcat_folder>/web-apps/ciam/forget-password.html
  2. Look for the element with the id “reset-password-button”
  3. Change its data-sitekey attribute to the sitekey shown in step 3.

Enter connection parameters for Database and User Store into the Properties file

  1. Open the file at <tomcat_folder>/web-apps/ciam/WEB-INF/classes/
  2. Update the parameters for Database, SMTP Server and API Gateway accordingly

Start Tomcat and Test

Start tomcat and access the URL http://<server_ip>:<port>/ciam/forget-password.html